Sunday, June 19, 2011

Piranha and Kin

Oh, gentle Piranha
With mouth open wide
In your waters
There's no place to hide
Bite me on the foot
Bite me on the hand
In a matter of seconds 
I'll be butchered like a dead cow at a hyena convention

Oh, gentle heretic
With mouth open wide
In your waters
There is poison with each tide
Looking for a victim
Looking for your prey
You should look both ways before crossing the street
'Cause you're about to be hit by a mega-ton eighteen-wheeler with a five-point engine, Calvinistic style.


  1. Pardon me, Sir Edwardo, while I wipe this small tear from me eye.

  2. Eddie, you are truly weird. And I mean that in a good way.

  3. Weird indeed!!!! What sort of role model is this for young Michael, Joel and Ink Slinger??!!!

  4. First, good poem.

    Second, I like weird! :-D

  5. Weird rules! If it's the good kind.

  6. Weird and wired have the same, speaking as a Calvinistic robot, I was predestined to be wired a little weird. (Blame it on Adam, if you like.)
    When Jesus saved me, I got my wires "crossed".
    I'm still wired, I mean weird, but I am Heaven bound for a complete overhaul.

  7. ...after all, I DID get a Twilight Zone award. You don't get that by being "normal".

  8. You're not weird, you're a peculiar person. and it is a good poem.

  9. Finally --- you admit to being a robot! Well, Tin Man, you need a big dose of spiritual oil from that tin can beside you lest ye rust away!

  10. Joel the Immerser said...

    Weird rules! If it's the good kind.

    If the NFL keeps coming up with weird rules, I may lose interest and start watching badminton instead.


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