Friday, April 29, 2011

No Contest Contest

Okay, everybody! Here is the contest that is no contest. It has no rules, no challenges and no chicken. You can make up your own or copy off someone else. There are no boundaries unless they're invisible. I can delete really good comments for no reason. I have no rules either so I am not sure what my responsibilities are at this point. You have the right to ignore this or follow these steps: 
1. Comment by typing 
2. Comment by thinking 
C. Defy gravity or 
7. Look both ways before crossing the street. 
So now that you know of the non-rule non-contest contest - feel free to do whatever. The winner will not know if he or she wins, and $7,000 will be the grand prize for someone unannounced. Those are the non- rule rules. So before your creativity turns to mush, start at the top and work down or vice versa - Hey! Why not start in the middle and write in Arabic?
Your entries really don't have to make sense or even be "real" words. Use vowels or not. Do a math problem wrong. Write a song with no words or music. Be real! Have fun! Play safe! Don't commit a crime!
Comments don't necessarily have to be posted on this blog. You can post them on a bulletin board or even post on someone else's blog. Every comment wins $7,, wait a sec, I changed my mind.  

My Second Web Award

My second Web Award is from the
Eat Humble Pie Bakery and Blog Humor Police
of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Thank you I am honored.
(I have added this to my sidebar and also added
a message from Corky at the bottom of my blog) 

Balloon Talk #6

Fill the one balloon with words spoofitious.
(it's not a real word, but you get the idea)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #8

Write as many paragraphs as you like using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Past Meets Future

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Blogger Challenge

There are so many blogger challenges out there just waiting for you to take 'em on. I guess the most popular is the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Many have taken the invitation to use the alphabet and get creative. I am enjoying reading many of them!

I couldn't take up the dare because my Calvinistic Cartoons format has it's own odd pattern with it's regular features and, of course, my blog is pre-scheduled in advance. But, I finally came across one that is both stimulating and that I think I can do:

This is not for everyone, mind you. It's better if you are up in years and not eighteen like some of my readers.

Fan Photo from Walter Winkle

Thanks for the page from an old comic book, Walter!
Your check for $7,000 will be sent to the wrong address before the week ends.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Cotton Adams - Home At Last

April 26, 1761

Pastor Finn,
Thank you for the kind words in your letter. Even though, we haven't seen each other in more'n fifteen years, I still feel the friendship and brotherly love from your pen.
You asked about the time I saw the famous circuit riding Calvinist, Cotton Adams.
I will never forget the day he rode into our town. It caused quite a stir among the townsfolk of Sandy Ridge. To this day, people jaw about the foggy, Sunday morning when Cotton Adams appeared on horseback. The bridge over Sims Creek looked as if a cloud just decided to lay down on the river. It almost seemed like he was coming from Heaven, the way the clouds covered his horse, Calico, up to his knees.
Cotton Adams was quite famous in these parts, and we were all expecting his arrival that morning. Mr. Adams was to preach in the new Sovereign Grace Church building. The pastor, George Truman, was an old friend of Cotton's. Fact is, the Church was started because of Mr. Adams' strong sermon series on Heaven and Hell. He was returning to bless us with his spiritual leadership and promised to help with the selection of deacons. 
I can understand why our pastor broke into uncontrollable tears and moaning when he went to help Cotton down from his horse that early morn. You see, Calico had brought into our town, the lifeless body of a man who had sacrificed his worldly treasures for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Cotton Adams must have gone to be with the Lord just hours before.
He had a well-worn hymnal in his hand, as was his habit of singing to the Lord as he traversed the acres of forests and farmlands between towns. He had hand-written one hymn that was found tucked in his saddle:

Depth of mercy, can there be
Mercy still reserved for me?
Can my God His wrath forbear?
Me, the chief of sinners, spare?
I have long withstood His grace,
Long provoked Him to His face;
Would not hearken to His calls:
Grieved Him by a thousand falls.

Depth of mercy, can there be
Mercy still reserved for me?
Bow Your ear, in mercy bow;
Pardon and accept me now.

There for me the Savior stands,
Shows His wounds and spreads His hands;
God is love, I know, I feel,
Jesus pleads, and loves me still.
Why to me this waste of love?
Ask my Advocate above.
See the cause in Jesus’ face,
Now before the throne of grace.

If I rightly read Your heart,
If You all compassion art,
Bow Your ear, in mercy bow;
Pardon and accept me now.
Now incline me to repent;
Let me now my fall lament:
Now my foul revolt deplore;
Weep, believe, and sin no more.

Cotton Adams, I only wish I could have heard your voice once more. Your singing alone, would bring conviction on the hurting souls who listened. Your presence seemed to be like one who had been with the angels of God. I know you are worshiping the living Savior, face to face now.

The township has decided to publish his journals and distribute them at cost. Preachers, of course, get a free copy to inspire your work in the Lord. My prayer is that they will bless many and remind all that our life is His and His alone!

Your friend,
Thomas Sawyer

Blog of the Week

Monday, April 25, 2011

Old Magazine Cover from 1951

This magazine was sent to our headquarters yesterday.
There was just a note that said, "Feel free to use this in your blog!"
Thanks, whoever you are. It is a pretty rare issue. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tweaks, Progress and Reform

Thanks to Angus Duncan of Sacred Sandwich and his brotherly push in the right direction, my headers of both Calvinistic Cartoons and Facets of Grace have been perfected (and centered). If anyone sees an area that needs some improvement, step up and let me know about it. If you think I need to add a widget or gadget, let me know. I have also added a few new bloggers, who write frequently, to my list.

Oh yeah, about the "Eddie's Progress". I have had several letters stating that if you take away "grim" it leaves "pil". Well, that "PIL" stands for "Predestined in Love!"   

Happy Resurrection SONday!

Two Things Granted

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #7

Write a paragraph or two using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Arminian Antics #49

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gary Larson and Ephesians 6:1-3

1 Childrenobey your parents in the Lordfor this is right2 Honour thy father and mother(which is the first commandment with promise;) 3 That it may be well with theeand thou mayest live long on the earth.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

As of Today - The Hardships of Blogging Daily

Because of the controversy of body gender in the comment section, I has been forced ta reveal da original photo ta prove it is NOT a female person, but a genuine dude.

Now, back to the original post...

It has been quite a run with Calvinistic Cartoons. My pace (not pacemaker) is slowing down. (I don't have a pacemaker...yet.) The cartoons and humor are harder to come by. My creative juices have been out in the Kuwait sun far too long and my ideas are starting to drift out to sea. Anyone who attempts to do a daily blog knows that it starts to take a toll on your mind after a few years. I have mentioned it before, and I'll say it again...I am old enough to be my own father. I can remember when folks sat down at the dinner table and counted their blessings instead of calories. I can remember when I could remember. Age brings a lot of physical problems as well. Along with my fading eyesight are various aches and pains that have unpacked and moved in without an invitation. I hope everyone will understand that things have to change. Some bloggers post every week or so and still maintain a good following. Some take a vacation from their blog for a month or two. So, as of today, I am going to post only on days that end with a "y". 

A True Story in Fiction

I wouldn't feel right if I didn't tell you to click on the comic strip.

Blog of the Week

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

They're Not All Alike Y'know

Fan Photo from Phoebe Shinloin

This photo of an ad clipped from a magazine at a U-Tote-Em store
 in Paris, Texas by Phoebe Shinloin is evidence that people
are starting to read Calvinistic Cartoons more. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

JULIAN SMITH - Mr. Timn in Candyland

This is just goofy enough for me to post. It doesn't really tie in with anything (unless some of you creative minds can come up with a good theological reason). It just made me laugh. Don't hate on me, people.



Fan Photo from Sputnik Kamen

Longtime follower and bee keeper, Sputnik Kamen sent us this March 2007 edition of World Literature Today magazine. Boy, were we surprised when we looked the cover over! Thanks for the mag Sputnik. We will be sending you on a non-stop train ride in less than two days. The only way off is to throw yourself off! But the food is worth every bruise and fractured bone.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #6

Write a paragraph or two using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.
( just so there are no mistakes -
the words are germs, smoke, movie and ear plugs )

Ad-Vance Wisdom

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spurgeon and the Time Traveler

Just finished this "cartoon" and was going to schedule it for June 2, 2011...
but, I couldn't wait. I had to go ahead and post it now.
(I really could spread CC out if I just posted once a day)

Just for Laughs #157

Don't just sit there! Get me a caption!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bombs Away!

...and safe landings!

Optical Illusion Book by Benny Finney

Pictured above is an entry in Benny Finney's newest book. The small volume is entitled, Benny Finney's Theological Optical Illusions, The purpose of his book is to "visually undermine any Calvinistic concepts that I just can't agree with." According to Finney, this book will "shatter the teeth of any tulip-lover that dares open the cover!" Benny was seen on TBN a few days ago doing magic tricks aimed at the Reformed. He made a casket full of tulips disappear, he pulled a daisy out of the ear of Jan Crouch and he accidently set her hair on fire. This small book sells for just under one hundred American dollars but, as Benny put it, "All my prophets go to cutting edge churches." His explanation of the "illusion" above is - "Once you see PRE as FREE (as in FREE WILL) you will never be the same again!" 

Just for Laughs #156

Come on! We need some theologically minded captions!

Blog of the Week

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Very First Web Award

The package arrived today with a note from Benny Finney:
"You won this award hands down, clown.
Your blog is a fog in the bog, you dog.
May all your new members leave in September.
Your site is a blight and a whole lot of trite!"

I want to thank all the Lilliputians for making this happen.

Just for Laughs #155

This picture is in dire need of a caption.
It's good medicine y'know.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Widget In or Widget Out

Some have noticed the Top Commentators widget has been acting like an angry Arminian. It seems to change it's mind with the weather. I have loaded and reloaded it and always get - "Bad Request Error 400" each and every time. Blame it on my kerosene-powered computer, my ignorance of protocol, or blame it on the fact that I am living in Kuwait.
(There are more restrictions here than in the States)
Whatever the reason, this fidgety widget can be a little frustrating to those who pay attention to it. For that I apologize and thought I would put it to a vote.

If you can accept a fallen widget in a fallen world vote YES.
If you want this widget to be banished to the Isle of Patmos vote NO.

I would love some feedback and/or suggestions.

Just for Laughs #154

Any off-the-wall or on-the-wall comments will do.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #5

Write a paragraph or two using the following random words:

toothless, nickname, echo, free

Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Arminian Antics #47

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pancakes Can Help

There is nothing like a stack of pancakes to make you feel young and creative! While you are trying to come up with a good caption for the Balloon Talk panel below, have a few pancakes to help you think theologically. I don't mind sharing if you don't mind stopping by the store and picking up a gallon of milk.

Balloon Talk #3

For the next four Fridays, I will bring BT to the table. Remember the Calvinistic Cartoons K.I.T. formula - Keep It Theological. I will pick one comment that I think is funny and fill in the balloon giving credit to the "winner". Don't worry about the size of the balloon, I can adjust it to your dialog. Just keep it short as possible. Only fill in the balloon - don't add other dialog from someone else in the photo. Have fun and enjoy the laughs!
btw...I planted an "Easter Egg" in the photo above
that I don't believe you can see without clicking on the photo and enlarging it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Related Posts with Thumbnails