Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's FREE I tells ya

How about a FREE BOOK? ...and signed by the author, as well? 
Well just click here and sign up on the author's blog!
You'll be glad you did.

Just for Laughs #153

Only YOU can tell us what's going on here...
I'm listening...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cold and Sweet

It's not exactly "brain food" but nothing refreshes a body like cold slices of watermelon! 
Originating in Africa, watermelons were first cultivated in Egypt where testaments to their legacy were recorded in hieroglyphics painted on building walls. The fruit was held is such regard that it was placed in the tombs of many Egyptian kings. It is not surprising that when Johnny Appleseed met Johnny Watermelonseed they became bitter enemies, and would have fought unto death had not little Johnny Pumpkinseed stopped them.

Just for Laughs #152

Don't throw that caption away! Post it here!
(This is not a caption but a request)

Friday, March 25, 2011


This short video is just a small portion of what is happening RIGHT NOW as I am typing. Thank God, that my wife and I were home. I looked out my 10th story apartment and saw the sandstorm coming just like what you see here. The roaring wind is shaking the windows and doors and sand is getting in the rooms. I can't see the building across the street anymore. It's there...just can't see it. There is a fine, moon-dust like sand that can blow in from any small opening or between the sliding doors or windows. You can smell and taste it. I can rake my finger on any surface in the house now and there is this "sand dust". It's a little hazy as I view my computer monitor. I'm sure our cars will be covered in sand by tomorrow. The storm has been going on now for hours and I don't know when it will let up. I have never seen anything like this. That's the Kuwait update. Please remember my wife in prayer. She has asthma and this is a monster sand storm.

Random Word Writing Challenge

Write a paragraph or two using the following random words:

vitamins, Photoshop, pimple, interview

Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Family Film Festival

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Take a Break Eat a Treat

What other blog serves you a nice, cold serving of banana pudding?
None, I tells ya!
Enjoy this -  and if you want problemo, amigo.
I have plenty where that came from!

Skip is Back!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Please Stand By

Supply a Theological Meaning

Here is an optical illusion that baffles the mind.
Believe it or not, even though it appears to be wobbly,
every line is perfectly parallel.
What I want you to do is give this a lot more significance
by supplying a theological lesson.
How could we use this to begin a Bible study?

Balloon Talk #2

Once again, it's time for Balloon Talk! The chosen one will have his or her joke posted with full credit. So what are ye waitin' for? 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Corky in La La Land

Corky sent this photo for all those who were worried about him.
He is doing fine and plans on staying in La La Land for the next week or so.

New Meaning to Old Text

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reveal Your Blog!

Once again it's time to tell us about your blog!
If you ARE a follower
of Calvinistic Cartoons...
then list your blog for everyone to see.
Give everyone a little info and even a link.
If you are NOT a follower
of Calvinistic Cartoons...
then just join now and then list your blog!
It's that simple! Everyone wins!
If you just want to share a blog that has blessed you,
go ahead and share a link or comment as well!

Just for Laughs #149

Bear with us as we search for a theological caption.

Film Announcement

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Random Comic Panel

Is your doctrine a "SUPER" one?
                                                           Soul in Depravity
                                                           Unconditional Election
                                                           Particular Redemption
                                                           Eternally Secure
                                                           Resistance Transformed into Insistence

Every Trial Needs a Witness

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fan Photo from Tipsy Blayman

Many thanks to T.B. for sending us this panel from an old Fantastic Four comic! 
We ran out of money yesterday, so we have arranged for you to receive 7,000 biscuits as payment. They should be on your doorstep this time tomorrow!

Arminian Antics #43

Friday, March 11, 2011

Explanation of Top Commentator Thingy

In a recent post, Truthinator, had this to say:

Eddie...About that comment counter thingy dingy, it doesn't work. I haven't commented in a while and I notice I have fallen from 95 to 75...Maybe my comments are so bad they carry a negative value? That is a real possibility...

Carry on, and here is my check for $7,000.

(Okay - I added that last part -- Eddie) 

My answer:
Until I can find a better widgety do-dad, I am stuck with this one. It is based on ONLY the last 500 comments. At the present, I have OVER 6,000 comments on my Calvinistic Cartoons blog, so each new comment from anyone causes changes in the individual totals. If the widget were based on my comment TOTAL it would be a lot better for everyone involved...but, alack and alas my friend, I haven't found one that does that. Just keep in mind that these are the comments poll of the last 500. If anyone knows of a better McWidget, let me know. I thank thee all, brethren and sistern, I thank thee all.

Here...enjoy some bacon and eggs with toast...

I like to keep my readers well fed y'know...

Family Film Festival

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pre-Blessed Food

Guess Who #23

This time no picture. 
It would make this too easy.

Here are the clues so that you will at least come close.

Clue #1: He played Moses in the Ten Commandments
Clue #2: He is also in the credits of Treasure Island
Clue #3: He also produced a documentary on the Bible
Clue #4: Two of his initials are the same as Spurgeon's

...while you are waiting for the correct answer
try a delicious hot cinnamon roll!

Hang On!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Video Humor I "Borrowed" from another Blog

Run On

My Letter from Loraine Boettner

Loraine Boettner was born on March 7, 1901 and went to be with his Lord and Savior on January 3, 1990. This is a scan or the letter I have taped in my Reformed Doctrine of Predestination hardcover 1980 edition. This serves as a constant reminder of his kindness and his servant attitude, as he was still ministering to students whenever and wherever he could. This is one book I will never be without.

Snow Globe

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

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