Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rap on the Life of Spurgeon


  1. I love Shai Linne! His latest project on the attributes of God is wonderful. Pick it up.

  2. I've been blasting the attributes of God for a few days! So good!

  3. I've always considered rap to be music on the 'down grade', but I have to rethink that position now.

  4. Can someone tell me who the guy is, who is NOT Spurgeon, in this video?

    ...maybe he was just passing by when the video was made.

  5. @Eddie
    The rapper in the video is Shai Linne, who writes what he calls "lyrical theology," and he's well liked in the YRR crowd.

    If you want to hear more of his stuff, start with "Atonement Q&A" on YouTube- it is actually a rap chatechism.


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