Thursday, August 12, 2010

Scripture or Script Tour?


  1. Thanks. I needed that. So do I get a toaster or something for helping to inspire?

  2. You get to eat free at Chic-fil-A for the next five Sundays!! Just tell 'em Eddie sent ya.

  3. Why not throw your link in so people will know what you're talkin' about. Everyone needs to read it!

  4. I know a minister(?) who used scenes from The Matrix as sermon illustrations for weeks.

  5. Andy kinda beat me to it: You just know there are "pastors" out there using Twilight illustrations and video clips, probably even basing their entire message on these movies/books. Let's hear it for RELEVANCY

  6. In 2001, we moved to Miami, FL. We visited a church and the "preacher" was doing a series on the movie "Grinch" which was a new release at the time. Many video clips and references were used. No mention of anything from the truth of scripture was used however. We went there 3 times just to see how rediculous it could be... We learned more about the Book of Who than the Book of God! What a waste of time...

  7. For years, the Unitarian ministers have preached from anything that "inspired" them. One week, it could be a poem of Kahil Gibran, the next, Blazing Saddles.

  8. Mr. Eddings,
    Thanks for the offer. The link to the article referenced above is:

    And we used to eat at chic-fil-a on Sundays all the time, but we really left feeling a bit unsatisfied. Hmmm..

  9. I could handle a few Blazing Saddles sermon illustrations!

  10. This is what happens when the sermon illustration informs the sermon rather than illustrating the sermon - when it becomes the sermon. It's what it looks like when relevantism crosses the line into relativism.


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