Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just for Laughs #100

Please provide a caption for this situation.
It will make it a lot more meaningful.


  1. ...I'm still don't see the part McLaren said about all faiths going to Heaven. Maybe I should try the Message Bible...

  2. "Come, wifey, read me a little Baxter, I'll rest and then it will be on to preach again this evening."

    Spurgeon's sunday afternoon habit was often having wife, Susannah, read Richard Baxter to him, rest a while, then prepare for the evening service. Not a bad day's rest!

  3. Is that a picture of Eli in the background?

  4. Be patient Mon che-être. It will be no time before Calvinism will fall to the Arminians. Eventually they will all once again bow to our beloved Sovereign Pontiff.

  5. Nay father, it saith in Job 38:13-14 “That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? It is turned as clay to the seal…” Thou canst plainly see God’s earth is round. Thou only suppose the earth is flat because thy maps are. Thou must believe God’s word and not thine eyes.

  6. "Yes, I see what you mean about how Tabletalk now has so many pages devoted to resources and upcoming events that it is difficult to find the articles and daily devotionals."

  7. And just as she got to the part where the disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee, her father suddenly wondered if he had tied his sailboat to the dock, or not.

  8. As if losing his sail boat was not enough, Capt. Morgan had to listen to an impromptu reading of “The Purpose Driven Wife” when all he really wanted to do was assuage his grief with some homemade spiced rum.

  9. You see, Father, here in Psalm 104 when talking of God's great grace in His many provisions it says that He gives us wine to make our heart glad. I am not rebelling against God by having a drink. It is you and your tea teetotalers who think it is demon rum that I am standing against.


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