Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fan Photo from Poochie Montoya

Thanks for the comic panels from a DC comic (that's DC for Democratic Charismatics) that strangely has some parallels to a certain blogger. This comic strip was originally printed in 1967, as a short story, in a magazine entitled, Ticket to Trouble, and the lead character was named, Eddie Headings. 
Mr. Montoya will be receiving a $7,000 check anytime within the next two month of Sundays. 


  1. DC stands for Democratic Charasmatics? Wow. I guess you do learn something new everyday... ;)

    What does MARVEL stand for?

  2. Make

  3. Made in China
    American Distributed
    Very Kid-Friendly
    Liberating Device

  4. I would have made the L stand for "Lead-based paint."

    (On the second one, that is. I wouldn't want the non-reformed veterinarians eat lead-based paint.)

  5. @ Ink & Michael

    Wow! You guys are really quick on the draw with your comments. This post was just barely up. Hope your typing fingers didn't get whiplash ; ).

  6. I "type"ically go through three keyboards a week. Bummer... ;)

  7. Glad Eddie listened to the prophecy and left all behind to go on this truth finding quest. Where would the rest of us be without CC?

  8. Hello, folks, and welcome to another installment of Ground Hog Day Radio. Tides have turned since our last reporting. Our whiplash-fingered friend Michael the Right has sprinted to first place and seems quite comfortable in his position, seeing that he has not budged an inch for the past three days. Next comes Joel the Wet who is busily thumb wrestling Constitutional Convention Girl for second place. At the time of this reporting, however, Constitution Girl is having a bit of trouble trying to run and thumb wrestle all at once, and is slacking a bit. Our Venerable Boyd is riding the waves of prophesy on fourth place, and seems to be exercising his thumb for his own bid for the holding of second and third.

    This station has had a request from our paramount contestant, Michael not-wrong for open-line additions, so please feel free to lob your questions and insults/comments at the announcer at any given time until the end of the world, which seems to be this week according to our camping friends.

    Until next time, this has been Ground Hog Day Radio. tune in next time.

  9. Making

  10. @Stranger: I type a lot so I'm used to it.

  11. Here's a question for the Comment Tater, when will you get national radio coverage? You could at least set something up with the guys of Reformed Cast as a start. (It's a podcast, but that's close enough.)

  12. Oh, yeah, keep laughing, rats! How about this!


    Haha! Think about it, make sense?

  13. @ Top 40 Comment Tater

    1. Whatever became of SamWise? Still at the Tastee Freeze?

    2.Ground Hog? That would be SAUSAGE?

    3. "Our whiplash-fingered friend Michael the Right has sprinted to first place and seems quite comfortable in his position, seeing that he has not budged an inch for the past three days."

    Once I was in a position from which I did not budge an inch for three days. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a chiropractor who makes house calls?

  14. Stranger wrote: "Once I was in a position from which I did not budge an inch for three days. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a chiropractor who makes house calls?"

    Hahaha! Nice one.

  15. Deriding Calvinists

    Verses on

  16. Well, it’s time to dive into the mail bag…..
    {insert Tony Miano and Chad Williams comic}

    First of all we have a question from Exodus 2:22, otherwise known as the Stranger.

    Whatever became of SamWise? Still at the Tastee Freeze?
    I have never met SamWise, but our agents have spotted him at These locations:
    It is my opinion that he went a bit overboard with his ice cream obsession, but perhaps he has a theological justification for it.

    Ground Hog? That would be SAUSAGE?
    We like to humor our listeners, sir. Breakfast is served at seven o’ clock every day, Antarctica time. Certainly, we do serve ground hog

    And now to answer the question of another devoted listener, MikeRite:
    when will you get national radio coverage? You could at least set something up with the guys of Reformed Cast as a start.
    This is a scary thought, my dear sir. Can you think of the publicity?! Unfortunately, right now all we have is international coverage—stretching to the far lands of Kuwait and India!

    (I’m still trying to wrap my mind around Mr. Boyd’s last comment/question. I wish my wits were so quick.)

  17. Well, it’s time to dive into the mail bag…..

    Ooooh, be careful. I heard on the news about a guy in Wisconsin who dove into a mail bag where a badger happened to be napping. You could almost hear "Fight on - Wisconsin" playing in the background as the badger taught him a lesson he will not soon forget.


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