Monday, July 26, 2010

Just for Laughs #107

Start off this parade with a good caption!


  1. The Eddings Brother Trio were thrilled to be the lead act in the July 4th parade! They promised the organizers they would bring all their fans by the hand (and did)!

  2. The Jager-schnitzel Witnesses hit it big in 1914 with their prediction that the world would end in 1915. Their movement was short lived, unlike that of the cult that inspired them.

  3. One down. Thirty-three hundred and 17 Barbershop Quartets to go.

  4. The End of the World Rose Bowl and Macy's Parade was led by the Four Pedrestrians of the Apocalypse.

  5. Very great amazing post "Just for Laughs #107" in this blog Calvinistic Cartoons. This post pictures remember about the past. Thanks for sharing with us.


  6. The response that should've been given to the four guys who were arrested for witnessing at an Islamic festival in Dearborn, MI.

  7. This is a rare picture of the first and only Day Pride Festival held on April 17,1920 in Phoenix Az. On the same date in the year 2010...well, trust me, you don't want to know.


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