Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Just for Laughs #227

Those who provide captions get that extra blessing


  1. In his old age, Dr. Who converted TARDIS into a nightly Gospel dance time. They would not tell him that metal was not his style.

  2. "Son, I'm glad you're enjoying this short dance with Rachel. Her sister Leah here on my left is the one you get to marry. On the bright side, you're halfway done working for me!"

  3. Pastor Spittle:

    "MODESTY is the rule in this church social. The church secretary is going to be coming around measuring. Couples dancing too close, or skirts that are too short will earn the violators thirty minutes in the pillory behind me here."

  4. Pastor Jeb could give a great invitation, but his invisible marionettes were beginning to creep the congregation out.

  5. Remember that you are not robots! You have no free will but you are moral agents. Behave yourselves! May God grant you grace to obey His law.

  6. Wait...wait.. Hush now.. I think I hear Someone calling...

  7. The congregation thought they'd been Dancing in the Spirit until the overseeing elder informed them that a mischievous lad had added another type of spirit to the punch.

  8. Armond Ineous was growing tired of reminding the young people that must stay 4 feet apart from their dance partner or they'll lose their salvation.

  9. At the marriage retreat, Sugar Grove Community Church's oldest eligible bachelor, Matthew Whitely, showed up. Stepping up on a box, he started dancing with the air singing loudly, "I'm married to Jesus!"


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