Monday, February 16, 2009

Caption Contest Winner #9

Reformed Squirrel you da nutty winner!


  1. Will the certificates ever make a come back?

  2. Only if Pop U. Larr demands it. I got lazy and changed the name of the "Caption Contests" to "Just for Laughs" so that THAT is the reward in and of itself. Some captionists didn't agree with my assessments, so this was a better plan - at least for me. But, I may come up with something in the future where someone, somewhere can achieve a certificate, of some kind, for whatever. (Everyone needs a certificate for something. Being a Photoshopper, I can create a pretty impressive wall of nonsensical certificates for guests to view.)

  3. What about a participation ribbon :)

  4. I guess I could create a new type of caption cartoon called, "Just for Ribbons".


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