Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Just for Laughs #125

This photo needs a few "sentences".
And remember the CC K.I.T. (Keep it Theological)


  1. Who could ever forget the 1939 infralapsarian supralapsarian riots at Rikers?

  2. Ya wanna talk hypostatic union? I'll show ya hypostatic union!

  3. I tells ya, if you say the KJV is only a translation one more time I’m gona sock you in the eye.

  4. If he don't stop sayin' "Buy da book', I'm gonna knock his block off.

  5. Dis bozo says dem praise choruses is betta dan da hymns... I'm gonna murdalize him.

  6. "Yeah. I said 'six literal twenty-four hour days.' You got a problem with that?"

  7. Total Depravity?! I'll show you TOTAL depravity!!

  8. I'm telling you he took my TR and replaced it with an NA27!

  9. I said, I was destined to knock your block off before the foundation of the EARTH and you was destined to turn the other cheek! So turn it you hellacious Reformer!

  10. Let me go! Let me go, I tells ya! No goon's gonna make fun of Veggie Tales while I'm in this joint! Lemme at'em!

  11. A riot nearly broke out when two rival Salvation Army bands were fighting over the same corner. One was heard to have said, "We already have our bucket and bell ringer." To which someones else responded, "I got yer bell ringer right here, tuba boy."

    In other news, the area Baptist churches quietly sent out groups of 5 and 6 people to deliver blankets to the homeless, meals to shut-ins, and volunteers to serve at local soup kitchens. When asked who was responsible for organizing such an extensive endeavor one person asking to not be named simply quoted,

    Jas 1:26 If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless.
    Jas 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

  12. Just like with any family, you weren't allowed to discuss religion or politics at get-togethers. However, in the case of the McArthys, a military family, to disregard this regulation is to be sent to the brig.


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