Friday, November 12, 2010

Just for Laughs #132

Needs a caption? Yes. And btw, the guy
sitting down in this photo is George Reeves
who played Superman on TV back in the day.


  1. "The "Forty days of purpose" presentation didn't sit well with everyone."

  2. "Yes Joel Osteen brought the crowd to their feet but there was one theologian there that day whom did not agree with Mr. Osteen...."

  3. Often gray seems a bit black and white but it really is not.

  4. Regardless of what the new worship leader said, Nigel firmly believed a clap offering to Jesus violated the Regulative Principle.

  5. After Finney’s rousing sermon the crowd cheered as a line formed at the anxious seat. But Mr. Benjamin Calvin Petigru Owen-Edwards remained skeptical to say the least.

  6. The audience was amazed by the miracles performed by faith healer, Henny Binn. But Algernon, himself having had a vaudeville magic show, knew all the tricks.

  7. Stranger:
    Hee hee! You do know that "Algernon" means "with the mustache", don't you? Was that name intentional? I am partial to your caption-I've been doing an in-depth study of charismatics for eight months. (Is Benny Hinn-and his twin Henny Binn-even qualified to be called charismatic? On second thought, I don't think so) :D

    Mr. Eddings, I've been reading for a while and just started commenting recently. I love CC! Especially those dealing with charismatics. ;D

  8. Guy sitting down - "Although that was the most articulate, well thought out, biblically sound and theologically accurate defense of the Doctrines of Grace, I still don’t believe God chose me….nope, I have freewill darn it!”

  9. @ ConstitutionGirl

    Thank you. But doesn't everybody know that Algernon means "with the mustache"? Just kidding. I didn't know. I used the name of a character in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest.

  10. I tried to think of a caption with something about magnetized seats, and Superman having buns of steel, but I wasn't able to work in, you know, the religious angle.

  11. :D LOL! you're funny, Mr. Stranger! ;D

  12. And you, ConstitutionGirl, are very talented. I hope everyone who reads your comments clicks on your name and visits your website to see what I'm talking about.

  13. That's very kind of you! Thank you very much- if I do have any talent (or humor, I love that too), All glory goes to God.

  14. Oh, and I meant to say that I’ve visited your blog and I really like it- And I’m not just repaying your kind compliment. :)

  15. The Jonas Brothers brought everyone to their feet at Rick Warren's Not-About-Easter Easter show at Angel Stadium. The only holdout was brother Hastings who was still trying to figure out how a song about teenage hormones made onto the stage at a 'religious' event...

  16. While most of the audience clapped politely, if not apprehensively, Bob just couldn't quite shake a feeling of dread after seeing Adam and Steve being the main players in the Saddleback production of "Eden: God's Intended Paradise". He couldn't decide if it was worse than The last Temptation of Christ or not.


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