Friday, May 7, 2010

Guess Who #7

I met this gentleman at a Christian Booksellers Convention years ago. His Bible was ragged from constant use. He was delightful and a very caring individual. He had to use a mobility scooter to get around in. We talked briefly and when I shook his hand, my hand was as tiny as a child's hand in his. He has a very interesting testimony that I will post in the comment section after someone guesses who this is.


  1. It's either Corky Velveeta, out of his mascot's suit after stepping through the time machine into the future....

    or it is none other than Richard Keil, the very tall and foreboding drink of water from James Bond fame.

  2. Richard Kiel, of course. Now why are these other posts from the future? Or maybe HOW is the better question?

  3. Now I'm posting to the future too! And here I thought it was May 6th about 5:55 pm?

  4. He also played Voltaire, a villainous sidekick to Dr. Miguelito Loveless.

  5. Calvinistic Cartoons is the future, Ken...

    plus, Eddie's in Kuwait... and it's already the 7th there...

    plus, take it away, Don Pardo...

    "Calvinistic Cartoons: the all-weather and international theology!"

    Thank you, Don Pardo.

  6. ah, The Wild, Wild West. What a show...

    & I just realized that I typo'd Richard Kiel's name in my first post.

    Oh well. Been having trouble with my hands lately. Very bad hands. I'll scold them later.

  7. Old Jaws from the James Bond movies. I met him once too. Boy he is tall! Boring speaker though.

  8. It IS Richard Kiel. He played all those roles (except Lurch, who was played by Ted Cassidy - common mistake though). My favorite is from the old Twilight Zone episode, "To Serve Man".

    Here is his testimony as promised:

    maybe someone can clue me in, no tell me, better yet SHOW me how to make an internal hot link instead of just adding the web address.

  9. I'm not sure I know what you mean. Do you want to make your last comment look like this?

    Here is his testimony as promised:

  10. That is exactly what I mean! I don't see options listed like I do when posting an entry.

  11. Okay. I'll have to show you by email. Otherwise I think it will just become a hot link and you won't see how it was done.

  12. I was going to guess that it was DeWethers Fine, the world's tallest Calvinist.

  13. So, DeWethers Fine, is the world's tallest Calvinist now! It used to be M.T. Everest.

  14. Richard Kiel! I met him once at a Youth For Christ thingy when I was mere teen. Shook his hand - or rather, he grabbed my whole arm in his gigantic fist and gently shook ME...

  15. Richard Kiel - I have read that he is a wonderful, humble Christian man.


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