Sunday, January 24, 2010

One Sentence Answers


  1. FYI everyone...These three questions were actually taken from an atheist's site on what questions to ask Christians. I quoted them verbatim.

  2. Great stuff. Amazing that people that that they can destroy Christianity with one line questions or one line answers.

  3. Q:Genocidal Inquisitions and Party Cleansings. International War Crusades (Cold and Hot). Secret Police Witch Trials. Historians put the number killed and executed by Progressive atheists (Nazis, Fascists, and Communists) at between 65-100 million in the twentieth century alone. Do Progressive atheists retain this murderous nature? If not, why not?

    A: The Caludron is calling the tea kettle sullied!

  4. @The Seeking Disciple - I agree with you brother but, sometimes those anti-Christian one-liner seeds find sufficient soil. I had an atheist step-father (before my conversion) who loved to use the old, "If God can do anything then can he make a rock so heavy he can't lift it" question. As a rebellious teen, I had never heard that before and it took root in my rebellious soul. I was looking for any excuse to ease my conscious and shut the door on God in my life. (or at least that was what I thought at the time). Most of the world today is sound-byte oriented and dismiss tons of truth with a little bumper sticker message.

  5. I hope that doesn't sound like I am disagreeing with you...I'm not.
    I just wanted to qualify it a little. The broad road that leads to destruction is paved with one-sentence-fortune-cookie phrases that no one carefully examines...most don't want to bother with something they are not comfortable with.

  6. Rebellion looks for any angle to blame others especially God!

    We were all Children of Wrath and Rebels with no hope till Christ adopted us and placed us in his heirship!

    Then our hearts had new creation and could then cry "Abba Father!"

  7. Ladies and gentlemen...the person in the photograph is none other than the late, great Tom Poston!
    (I made up the Bartholomew Mippit character)

  8. On sale at IKEA? I must have missed it when I was in the light bulb section.


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