Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Game of ME-OLOGY


  1. This isn't quite accurate. You can't limit the all important ME to a TIMER!!!

  2. Even though ME is IN tiMEr...you are 100% correct! What were they thinking? It's a criME I tells ya!

  3. When I saw the board, the first thing that came into my head was -

    "Climb, climb up ego mountain"

  4. The "Develop a healthy self-image" cards could be turned around to show a reflective surface, so if you draw one of these, you can pause to admire your own image...

  5. Tired of being told that the Bible is all about God? Tired of hearing how God is concerned about His name and His Word? Then this game is for you! Learn what it means to be right no matter what you think, say, or do!

    *In version two their will be only one space. Start and Finish will be located in the center of the board to more accurately reflect a true "Me-Ology


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