Monday, June 29, 2009

Just for Laughs! #2

Let's bring some life to this photo!
Add some good Calvinistic humor and
change the world as we know it.


  1. After years of study and labor, they finally invented the lava lamp!

  2. Man with the book, "You drew two Arminius cards and one anti-Calvin cards. The genie grants you three chances to get into heaven."

  3. Father! I can't believe it! Every book in your vast Christian library belongs to the Femurtown County Public Library and has been overdue for more than three years!!

  4. Wait a minute! If what the Bible is saying here is true... Then Brian McLaren has absolutely no idea what the heck he's talking about.
    Generous Orthodoxy my foot!

  5. Historic photo of Greg Boyd's great-grandfather, author of the little known children's book "The Little Open Theist That Might, But We Really Don't Know For Sure"

  6. Father, I hate to tell you this, but...all of your books were printed upside down...yes, even the covers and binding!

  7. Father, it would make such a difference if I knew how to read.

  8. In the real but little known version, The Ghost of Christmas Past dressed in all black and forced Scrooge to look upon His younger, honest, Calvinist youth.

  9. In a fluke purchase from the United Way thrift shop, Nelson Smythe-Jones and his grandson Huey discover the long lost "Book of Armaments", thus beginning their life long quest to create the Romans 9 Hand Grenade.

  10. This is the third book I have read by Rob Bell and the 12th time he's contradicted himself on the nature of the Gospel. No wonder you have to read them in secret.


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