Saturday, October 2, 2010

Just for Laughs #126

The secret of Just for Laughs is in the captions provided by the readers.


  1. psssst...when you see Steve Finnell, tell him to mention Calvinistic Cartoons on his blog!

  2. Although somewhat baffled, Sarah's interest was piqued when the stranger seated next to her kept whispering 'buy da book... buy da book... buy da book...'

  3. Although, Wentworth, knowing Penelope to be a dyed-in-the-wool hyper-Calvinist he still strongly advised her to get that mole on the back of her neck checked out.

  4. I've GOT the book. Now stop slobbering in my ear

  5. Joan's worst fear was confirmed when Jack told her that Luther did not recant nor become room mates with Erasmus.

  6. Sir Pence: "My dear, don't believe all that stuff you read about how Arminius was such a radical thinker."

    Eve Manning: "But his views were so far outside the norm for the non-Romanists at the time."

    Sir Pence: "Don't believe it, I say! That book was written by Calvinists who want to subjugate you to their way of thinking. Doesn't it seem better that you have control over your own life? I'm sure there were more than Arminius among the protestants who believed that their salvation depends on themselves."

    Eve Manning: "It's tempting to think so. You should see me manipulate that man of mine when I need to. I wouldn't like to lose that kind of control. On the other hand, I can't say he really has much say in the matter, so I don't see what the problem is in thinking that God doesn't have any say in our decision-making. Besides, it's all perfectly referenced in here."

    Sir Pence: "Drat! That line of reasoning worked last time."

  7. Did you get to the part where Saint Peter started selling indulgences yet?

  8. I like the part where the snakes follow St Patrick out of Ireland. I used to hear that as a bedtime story from my dear mother.


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