Friday, January 30, 2015

Random Word Writing Challenge #70

Use the words - write something out of your imagination


  1. Eddie Eddings can't play the harmonica
    And he's uglier than a can of tuna
    I'd take out my glass eye just to throw it at him
    And I hope he gets rained on by a cloud


    1. How rude. Fortunately, I possess superior creative talents to you, which I will be displaying shortly.

  2. First of all, I CAN play the harmonica...a little.
    Uglier than a can of tuna? That depends on the brand.
    Third, make sure you toss the glass eye and not the real one.
    Lastly, getting rained on in a desert country like Kuwait would be a blessing.
    Thanks for your comment and don't forget to use mental floss in the morning!

  3. I lost my harmonica because of the rain
    A waterspout grabbed it and ran away
    I tried to chase after it, but I got lost
    I guess those storm clouds showed me who's boss
    I'm drenched to the core because I forgot my umbrella
    But I'm still a happy, jolly, ol' fella
    Because Jesus saved me from my sin
    I won't be bothered by a little rain and wind

    This day hasn’t been too great (woowoo, heehee)
    But I didn’t hesitate (heehee, woowoo)
    To praise my God up above
    Who’s showered me with love
    So what if I’m a little wet
    God knows what’s best

    My cat stole my can of tuna
    I guess should’ve eaten it sooner
    My teddy bear needs a new glass eye
    And I’m sitting here wondering why
    Are all of these little annoyances happening to me
    But then I realize, I’m free of disease
    God’s been really good to this guy
    So I’ll let my praises take flight

    This day hasn’t been too great (woowoo, heehee)
    But I didn’t hesitate (heehee, woowoo)
    To praise my God up above
    Who’s showered me with love
    So what if I’m a little wet
    God knows what’s best

    Things are really good for me
    But not so good for others
    I’ll reach out to them
    All of our sisters and brothers
    Who really have it bad
    They need a helping hand
    Maybe their life would be like ours
    If we’d look closer at the stars
    And realize that one of their wishes
    Was that they were really missing
    Our help
    We’ve got to give them our help

    This day hasn’t been too great (woowoo, heehee)
    But I didn’t hesitate (heehee, woowoo)
    To praise my God up above
    Who’s showered me with love
    So what if I’m a little wet
    God knows what’s best

    I can buy a new harmonica
    My teddy bear’s just fine
    I have more cans of tuna
    So instead of cursing the clouds and asking why

    I’ll pray for those
    Who really
    Have it bad

    This one is less comedic than I would have liked, but it works. Unfortunately, the singer doesn't describe me, as I am currently heavily lacking in health. :-) But, that's part of why this was written...

  4. Joel, take care and get well...and thanks for always jumping in and scatter gunning a couple of dozen comments!

  5. Thank ye, and my pleasure. Sorry for getting behind sometimes, but I always try and make up for it. :-P
