Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Supply a Caption

Supply the caption and the "chosen" one will have his/her name at the top
and the caption displayed on the cartoon. 


  1. Sally had just wanted to sit in the chair and relax, but she could not help being both intrigued and disturbed by the two boys' discussion of amillennialism versus dispensationalism.

  2. Ms. Calvinia your boyfriend, Andy Arminius is here again. Didn't my parents say you could not babysit me anymore if he kept coming over?

  3. The guy who wears the cheap Arminian cologne is here to see you!

  4. Sis, it's that Chuck Finney guy. But he won't be bugging you any more. I told him he was predestined to take a hike.

  5. "Sally, The new "prospect" for your "dating evangelism" is here."

  6. "Hey Sally, there's a guy here and he's saying God gave him a Word of Knowledge that you'd freely choose to go to homecoming with him."

  7. Hmmm, everybody seems to think the guy is the Arminian in this scenario. How about:

    "Hey sis, Johnny says he is tired of you freely playing hard to get, so he's going over to see Calveena. If God has ordained that you choose him, you know where to find him..."

  8. Hey sis! It's me from the future letting you know that the sweet potatoes are being overcooked!

  9. "Hey Sis! Will Freligh is here. Says he's here to take back that promise ring."

  10. The Neo-Mormon Youth Evangelism Group never gives up.

  11. In attempt to win her heart, Arlo makes regular visits to Grace's house. Eventually, he hopes, she'll choose him.

  12. Wishing to illustrate Revelation 3:20 Andy literally went out the door and knocked.

  13. All of these are really good. Seriously. But, let me tell you how I will judge the winning caption.

    Look at the cartoon. Corky is saying something (that will be what the caption will complete)...the dude at the door is upset or sad...the girl is startled by the statement.

    That is what I will consider in the final analysis.

    All these are truly funny but, the "chosen one" will match the caption with the picture.

    When the comments slow down to a screeching halt I will re-post the cartoon with the added features.

    Thanks again everyone.
    Keep 'em comin'!

  14. "Grace, Andy thinks he lost his salvation again. You seen it?"

  15. Hey, "irresistible" Grace, "Mr. Perseverance" is here to see you again. I don't think he's a saint, though - more like totally depraved if you ask me. Don't forget what Mom and Dad said, though: You cannot unconditionally elect to stay out half the night; they have limited your "at one" -ment.

  16. "Grace, will you tell these guys you can start doing some effectual calling for a change?"

  17. "He says he brought back your copy of 'Foundations of Grace'. You forgot it for some predestined reason."

  18. Sis, there is a guy here that says he doesn't believe in accidents but his car just knocked over our mailbox!

  19. Sis, your boyfriend just became a Calvinist and he now thinks he doesn't have a chance dating you anymore.

  20. Sis, Porky said that Dad said that if he offered one more time to give you "just one more minute" to decide if you wanted to go to the Prom with him that he was predestined to get himself kicked out of town.

  21. Since Lester Dent, Topper Lipton, Elvis Wesley and Hambone Sweeny were all me, they were disqualified.

    By the way, the "REAL" Elvis Wesley will be making his way into Arminian Antics sometime next year. He puts on quite a show, I hear tell.

  22. Thank you, Eddie.
    But: Credit where due->

    Topper "N.D.E." Lipton
    Whose comment, "...It's me from the future...," gave me the biggest laugh. (Fortunately for my monitor and keyboard, I was between gulps of my Don Francisco Espresso (Bold))

    Meghan "W.M.S." Smith
    For identifying the girl in the cartoon as "Sally."

    Trisha "F.W.T." Ramos
    For the excellent article she wrote on "Missionary Dating."

    Craig "SSL" Boyd
