Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Just for Laughs #193

Play up your best captions


  1. If you are an Arminian, this caption is for you:

    Calvinists enjoying a sing-along:
    "Que sera, sera
    Whatever will be, will be
    The future's not ours, to see
    Que Sera, Sera
    What will be, will be."

  2. If you are a Calvinist, this caption is for you:

    Arminians enjoying a sing-along:
    "Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
    Perhaps I had a miserable youth
    But somwhere in my wicked, miserable past
    There must have been a moment of truth

    For here you are, standing there, loving me
    Whether or not you should
    So somewhere in my youth or childhood
    I must have done something good

    Nothing comes from nothing
    Nothing ever could
    So somewhere in my youth or childhood
    I must have done something good"

  3. Gee, Bill, this is so much fun. Who would've thought of singing Amazing Grace to the tune of the theme from Giligan's Island?

  4. The Mad Libs Hymnal was the best Christmas present Louie Lewie received that year.

  5. @ Confessional outhouse:

    "Que sera sera" would be a great song for the open theist, but God would need to do the singing.

  6. "One more time! Sing like an altar call! 'I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus...' "

  7. Versifying the Canons of Dort and improvising a snappy meody was Ron's cleverest idea since he got his Hammond organ.

  8. Piggie backing off of Pastor Jay:

    Just as I am without one [noun]
    But that thy [noun] was [adjective] for me,
    And that thou [King James verb] me [verb] to thee,
    Oh [animal] of God I [verb], I [verb].

  9. @Persis

    LOL, that was clever (and true).
