Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Strange Facts about Christian Leaders #3

1.  When Carl F. H. Henry would jitterbug in front of his relatives, they would often comment that he looked like a frog in a blender.

2.  John L. Dagg was the world's tallest Baptist theologian. He came in at 18 feet 7 inches.

3.  Albert Mohler, Jr. has created enough saliva in his lifetime to fill a plastic swimming pool!

4.  Once, Wayne Grudem, in his early twenties, did not fill out a bank deposit slip correctly.

5.  John Gill never saw the Titanic, much less step foot on board.

6.  James Petigru Boyce, when a teen,  suffered from an upset stomach after eating too much ice cream and cake.

7.  John F. MacArthur laughs longer, louder, and more often than his brother-in-law.

8.  Charles Spurgeon once ate a bug by mistake. He never knew what happened. His oatmeal just tasted funny.

9.  John Piper blinks over 10,000,000 times a year!

10.  John Calvin never used MasterCard or Visa. He would always pay cash.


  1. Paris Reidhead never spent 10 shekels for a shirt.

  2. Hah! Especially Spurgeon and Calvin.

  3. What I was unaware of till recently is that Martin Luther was originally indentured as a carpenter.

  4. FCC...that was an interesting fact. I had always thought that Martin Luther had his real teeth when he nailed that list on the Wittenberg University door.

  5. Jacobus Arminius drove an Alfa Romeo horse carriage.

  6. There is a decidedly Baptist flavor to this list. Is that some sort of "interesting fact" subliminal message we're supposed to pick up on...as in "the best Christian leaders are Baptists?" Just wondering. (being a Baptist, maybe I'm just reading too much between the lines here)

  7. No Eddie, apparently Luther's family saved a fortune having Martin there to make wooden teeth for them.

    And the nail that held the list on the Wittenberg University door; that was in sooo straight.

  8. "There is a decidedly Baptist flavor to this list."

    Great idea, Scott. "Jelly Belly" is always searching for new flavors. Why not Baptist?


  9. "And the nail that held the list on the Wittenberg University door; that was in sooo straight."

    "the nail?" Just one nail?

    I had always assumed that Luther nailed up the 95 theses one at a time. Thanks for straightening me out about that, FCC.

  10. Craig,
    If there was a "Baptist flavor" it's probably taste like chicken: fried chicken!

  11. LOQ* _ I can't think of any response to that. : )

    *(Laughing Out Quiet)

  12. If I'm a fried chicken, who gets to be the green bean casserole? Any takers?

  13. This is a strange fact of a leader to be.....This church needs a Baptist Lutheran.

    Bailey Baptist Church

    Bailey, NC

    The Senior Pastor is to provide spiritual and pastoral leadership to the membership of First Lutheran Church. The Senior Pastor will serve as the chief administrator of the congregation so that it might fulfill its mission and purpose as the body of Christ. The Senior Pastor will preach, teach, and give primary leadership in the ministries of Worship, Administration, Stewardship, and Outreach.

    Must have a minimum of 10 years senior pastor experience. Minimum of a BA degree. Master of divinity preferred.

    Our church is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention and has a regular attendance of over 100 people. Small church and small community.
    Job Category: Senior Pastor
    Job Status: Full-time
    Denomination: Baptist -- Southern (SBC)
    Worship Style: Traditional


  14. The above job listing has been fixed.
