Saturday, May 15, 2010

Caffeinated Blogroll

Caffeinated Thoughts

Calvinistic Cartoons

Daily On My Way To Heaven

Deek Dubberly

Early Christian America

Fundamentally Reformed

Heavenly Springs

Orange County Calvinist

Justification by Grace

Random Thoughts From A Cluttered Mind

Reformed Women


Romans 11:36

Shane Waldrop


Theology for Girls

Theology Girl

Theology Girls

The Purple Sparrow

The Reformed Traveler


  1. Woah!

    A few seconds after I clicked on "Caffeinated Thoughts" my screen was flooded with a series of "warning signs," about my computer being infected. Unable to stop the barrage of "Emergency" pop-ups, I was forced to shut down my computer manually.

    What was THAT all about?

  2. That is did not happen to me.

  3. Stranger, I have clicked on everything, more than once, and didn't get anything like you did. Sorry, that happened to you. Could it have come from another source?

  4. I dunno. The first link I clicked on was Orange County Calvinist. No problems there. Then I decided to go to the top of the list and work my way down.

    Eddie is probably right. It may have been from some other source, and the timing was just coincidence.
