Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just for Laughs! #13

I'm a pickin', and I'm a grinnin'.
Let's help these dear old-timers out with a caption or a song.


  1. I'm a pickin'
    You're a grinnin'
    That don't keep you folks
    from sinnin'
    You just make me sick
    with all you do...

    Your movies, songs and TV shows
    Makes me want to blow my nose
    You stinkin' de-praved
    idiots of earth.

    You dance around like wildebeest
    Some days I wish I were deceased
    You're as ugly as a crab
    inside a tree.

    Some preachers seem like pharisees
    I wish I had a hive of bees
    I'd throw it in the middle
    of this crowd.

    If I were an angel with a sword
    I don't think I'd ever get bored
    Slicin' dicin' sinners
    all day long.
    Yes, slicin' dicin' sinners'
    allll dayyyy looooong!

    Thank you, you filthy rotten spiritual criminals!
    We love y'all!

  2. We've got joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy!

  3. The Arminian Rhapsody

    I made the right decision
    I made the cor-rect choice
    I know that God did hear me
    That's why I now rejoice
    To main-tain salvation
    I have to hold His hand
    Or I will never git my mansion
    In His promised land

    Oops, I lost my salvation
    I need to hop back in
    I backslide every evening
    and slide back before ten
    I never was elected
    I voted on my own
    And I hope to sing this sappy song
    When I stand before His throne.

    La la la la la laaa
    La la la la laaaaa
    La la la la la la
    La la la laa laaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  4. Grandpa: Don't you lie to me Eddie! I know for a fact that you said you were a takin' us to play us some bingo and it wern't no b-i-n-g-o on the banjo like you just said it was. How long do we have to pose for these phony pictures of yours all so that can get a few laughs at our expense? You think you're so smart. I'll show you smart wise guy. I'm tired!
    Gramma: BINGO!
    Grandpa: Awww phooey. See what you've gone an done? Gramma has... well, never mind just go get her bag.

  5. Breakin' the Law! Breakin' the Law!
