Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Caption Contest #14

Congratulations Let Us Repent and Believe!
(if that's your real name!)

Here is your opportunity to bring some laughter ("good medicine") to some weary saints. Study the picture above and come up with something that is befitting Calvinistic Cartoons. In other words, something with a theological bent and funny. (although, most would argue if it's befitting Calvinistic Cartoons it must be "corny" or "punny") Whatever you do, keep in mind that whether you win or not, your joke will be appreciated by at least seventeen viewers. I know I always enjoy the entries. The winner will be announced on May 27th.


  1. Although, Reginald tried his best to explain the doctrine of total depravity, it soon dawned on him that the Fergusons mistook his meaning altogether.

  2. LOL 707 LOL (laughing out loud while doing a backflip)

  3. "Don't talk to him, dear. He's not a five-pointer!"

  4. Good one! I may have to call in the help of John MacArthur to help judge these...he's got plenty of time.

  5. Or he could say, "Don't talk to him dear, he doesn't read Calvinistic Cartoons!!"

  6. After each scripture quoted by the Endicotts, Percival would simply reply, "All means all." Before long, it just got creepy.

  7. It took Carlton a moment to realized the conversation had taken an abrupt turn for the worst with his announcement that he was a partial preterist.

  8. Man! Ya'll are not making this easy! These are great. Keep 'em comin'

  9. In Jimmy's defense "Spurgeon who?" seemed like a harmless enough question.

  10. Sorry, everybody just one more and that is it. I think ;-)...

    When everything had finally calmed down even Robert had to admit that when said quickly, potpourri and popery did sound and awful lot alike.

  11. "But, father, I love him!"

    "No, Ethel, this is for your own good. Young man, get a copy of What He Must Be If He Wants to Marry My Daughter, read it, and then we'll talk."

  12. Your smiles and smooth words about Total Depravity can't fool us. I found Norm Geisler's "Chosen But Free" hidden in your bookshelf.

  13. Let Us Repent and Believe:

    Potpourri and popery - now THAT'S funny!

  14. Harold quickly scooted his wife out of the room giving an warning and menacing glance at John for filling his wife with his heretical ideas of Supralapsarianism.

  15. I think the first one is the best, on the misunderstanding of Total Depravity. Funny.

  16. Baptism!!!! Please tell me he is a Presbyterian, Honey, you know my fear of water.


    Please don't be upset dear, if it wasn't God's perfect will for me to leave you and marry Seymor, He wouldn't have brought us together.

  18. Though she didn't really understand the term, and despite her husband's attempt to console her, Deborah still took great offense at being called an egalitarian.

  19. When Mr. Perkins questioned Fredrick as to why he was staring at his wife he replied that he had come to see the Arminian Oddity.

  20. Or

    Armenian Fredrick had come to tell the Calvanist couple that they must be "detained" until their free will decided to join his side.

  21. "Sir, You will have to leave immediatly, you have upset our senior pastor minutes before she leads our Emergent Church service!"

  22. "Honey calm down, I don't think he means Mormon when he says he's a latter day saint"

  23. The in home catechism had been going on for nearly three hours and the Arminian couple were getting suspicious that 'free will' would not be in ANY of the answers.

  24. Cyril, the ballroom dance instructor, always found the first lesson to be the most difficult for former baptists.
