Thursday, May 18, 2017

Headed for Glory


  1. This will preach! Is this an Eddie Eddings original? I must give credit where it is due when I pass this along. It will even be a wonderful conclusion to the sermon I plan, Deo volente, to preach 28 MAY. WOW! Great words about a great word!

  2. Pastor Jack, this is not my quote. Unfortunately, I can't remember the source. I do most of my cartoons weeks in advance. I just tried looking through my Kindle highlights to no avail.

  3. This is an amalgam quote from "A Quest for More: Living for Something Bigger Than You" from Ch 1 pgs 17 &18 by Paul Tripp.

  4. Jamie: Thank you very much for running that down for me. I truly understand Eddie Eddings plight when it comes to documenting everything that he posts. When Paul Tripp was a pastor in Scranton, PA he and I served on a Christian school board, went to at least one conference together, and shared some amusing experiences my first day of deer hunting in PA.

  5. Les said...
    Thanks for posting this quote and cartoon Eddie. I've been listening to Albert Martins 11 part sermon series on repentance while driving 2 1/2_hours for daily medical treatments and praying for God's grace to repent of my selfishness. Driving so much is a pain but it's also been good prayer time.

    May 20, 2017 at 2:48 AM
