Friday, March 24, 2017

Looking for John Calvin...


  1. Here's John Calvin! I found him for you!
    Blessings! [: )

  2. You sure he hasn't moved on from there?

  3. Pretty sure John was never there. The giving of evidence and a presuppositional argument are not mutually exclusive. Even the Scriptures begin with a presup proposition...In the beginning makes no attempt to offer any prior evidence and then proceeds to provide evidence of His power through calling into being (out of nothing) everything that is.

    This is also derived from Rom 1 since the truth of God is suppressed in unrighteous man (it cannot be suppressed if it is not first there), we therefore can presume the knowledge of God is already in place and we therefor need not argue it. We still give evidence though as it is through the preaching of the word which God has chosen to bring all men to Himself.

  4. You pretty much just undid your entire argument, especially using both Genesis 1 and Romans 1. The First evidence is God Himself. You obviously have neglected all of the other Scriptures I have referenced. Please see Hebrews 11:1 and all of 2 Thess. 1 for starters. Thank you. [: )


  6. "You pretty much just undid your entire argument" well not in the least. It seems that in spite of your railing you do not really understand presuppositional argumentation at all...."neglected all of the other Scriptures I have referenced" what scriptures? Rather than directing me to various scripture passages, first tell me what you make of them. It's easy to say "see this, that, or the other" yet display no understanding of what is actually being discussed in them or proof texting thereby ignoring the larger context. Referring me to your blog won't suffice either as it's a bit lazy at the very least and trollish at its worst.

  7. Eddie, you really are/were in Paris, right?

  8. I am in Paris. Appreciate you and Jamie standing in the gap while I am away. With my allowing no editorial restrictions on comments, seems a certain troller has invaded my "home" once again.

  9. Flying to London tomorrow for around twenty five American dollars, then back to Paris in the evening.
