Thursday, September 8, 2016

Just for Laughs #409


  1. Mr. VanTil, if we both begin our conversation about Christ, I. E., assuming "all things being equal...", and presupposing your statements concerning salvation to be true..., what if I then presuppose your presupposing to be full of bunk? You know..., "all things being equal??!"

  2. Mr. Spammer, you really don't understand my worldview...not that I expect you to. You see, there is no neutral ground. You have your worldview, or presuppositions, and my worldview is entirely based on God's Word. There is no higher authority. It's the only thing that makes sense of reality!

  3. Dear, I think Mr. Spammer must write speeches for Hillary Clinton.

  4. If you turn this into an allegory, the man is a Christian, the woman by his side, Gospel, and the woman lurking on the stairs, the Law.

  5. Then who would the guy behind the desk represent?
