Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Bride to Be


  1. That's great!

  2. Good to hear from you Chris! I hope I gets ta see ya 'fore the Marriage Supper.
    If not, tell your sweet family I said hello.

  3. Wow!! Lovely one from Corky. Never knew he's quite a philosopher and wordsmith!

  4. This reminds me of a conversation with an Indian sister in Christ. India has largely given up arranged marriages although the practice still continues among some families. This young lady was of a marriageable age, but her father wanted to let her pick her own husband. She declined saying that she trusted the judgment of her father and older brother better than she trusted her own changing emotions. It occurred to me that people who marry based on emotions need to understand that the only way to stay married is to develop a commitment that transcends those emotions. When the marriage is arranged, the reason for marrying is the same as the reason for staying married. It works the same way with salvation.
