Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How to Avoid a Mime Field

I sometimes wonder what happened to some of the old commenters that used to write on Calvinistic Cartoons. Honestly, I don't know if my blog got old; if I offended them; if they got involved in missions; or if they died and went to Heaven. And does anyone know what happened to the Sacred Sandwich? Is it stored in a refrigerator in a warehouse somewhere? Any info on former fans or abandoned blogs would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a pleasant tomorrow.  


  1. I'm enjoying your blog. I have also been wondering about the Sacred Sandwich.

  2. Thanks, John. Maybe we will find out soon.

  3. I'm here! I'm here! [hand waving] No posts since last summer on the Sandwich. Things that make you go: "Huh!" Some of us here are still content to add content. Remember: "You can offend all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot offend all the people all the time." That would be because there are always a few around just like you!

  4. I've never offended all the people all the time...but I have come really close to it.

  5. We don't want EE at CC to be dis-content-ed.

  6. Jimbo, you have a wit that won't quit! (I like it)

  7. More a reader than a commenter, but I am still here. Don't go away.

  8. The SAcred Sandwich led me to Calvinistic Cartoons, but now I don't remember how. Did it once link to this blog? Did I google looking for more Calvinist humor? Don't recall. I too have been sorry to see Angus go dark. For those of you not on FAcebook, I can tell you that the Sandwich Facebook page stopped at the same time. Prior to that, the FB page had been more active than the blog itself, but now neither is active. Perhaps we'll never know.

    Theological joke: If we pray for the person behind the Sacred SAndwich, and it turns out that he has already died and gone to heaven, does this mean we have accidentally prayed for the dead? Does anything bad happen to Protestants if they do that?

    I read CC pretty regularly, though I admit to being too lazy to blow up to larger size and read the densely packed cartoon entries. Sorry. I need short, quick memes, funny jokes, or meaty, contentful articles. Graphic novels (as I believe they are now called) aren't my jam. But never mind, I'll keep coming back. Meanwhile, I suggest you once more invite your readers to post _their_ blog links, group and individual, and then hie thee over and make comments on them as well.:

  9. P.S. If the kinks in commenting could be worked out, that would be great. As of now, any time I comment, it disappears _once_ while it logs me in. Now I know about that, I copy and am prepared to past it into the box again once logged in, but it's a bit of a pain. I used to think I had it figured out--logging in prior to commenting at all. But I don't think that works anymore.

  10. Lydia, I appreciate your sticking with CC and your comments. The last time I did a Post Your Blog, very few responded. But, I will post another on April 29.

    My comments do the same (disappear before I finish) and I have learned the same lessons to avoid frustration. I thought it was just my computer (which is dying from old age) but now I suspect Blogger as the assassin. Funny thing is I can't reply below a comment on my PC, but I can on my iPod. And since I don't like to hunt and peck, I prefer to type like a normal person and reply in another comment.

    If I don't hear from SS soon, I will send Barry Cade, CIA agent, to look into the matter.

    1. Eddie, I have a new idea. (This is so brilliant, I amaze myself.) Because it won't log me in otherwise, and won't let me leave an empty comment, I simply type a single letter in the combox. Then I hit "publish." Of course, the single letter doesn't publish anyway, but Blogger logs me into my Google account. Now I type my substantive comment, and I only have to put it in once. I don't even have to copy and paste it again. Heh.

      By all means, send out Barry on the job to track down Angus and th e boys from the Sandwich.

      In a burst of shameless self-promotion, I will anticipate April 29 (is there something about April 29 I'm missing?) by pointing out here that a rip-roaring debate is occurring on my group blog over my wholesale negative review of a book arguing that Genesis 1 is "not about material origins." My subsequent review (also negative) of a follow-up book in which the author argues that Genesis 2 is also not about material origins (so therefore the Bible is completely compatible with full-scale human evolution) is upcoming. That one will probably be published in multiple parts so as not to weary the reader too much. Here is the first review and loooong comments thread.


  11. I, sadly, used to be among the dead. However, I used my free will to return, and I will keep using it to stay here until it's not here. Which is a very sad thing to think about. :-(

  12. Yay! Never mind my comments have been rather sparse. I am a regular reader. Thanks, Eddie for your response to my post on Watch Dogs. By the way, when is Grace Mobile coming in?

    1. I don't know who or what Grace Mobile is. Blame it on my lack of sleep.

  13. Soooooo tempted to post "No Comment"

  14. I'm a regular reader, just don't have many witty things to say. I also enjoy the Sacred Sandwhich, I hope the Sandwhich has not been eaten. I only posted once before (The Three Charles # 1). I have a difficult time with technology, hence the "anonymous post."


    1. Thanks for the comment, Alan. It means a lot to me.

  15. Lydia, thanks for all your effort to thwart Blogger's quirks. I tried it and it published my single letter "e" so I removed it. I think it will work for anyone other than the blog owner.

    I went to the link about the Genesis book. Wow! It's like a small book! I want to read it when I have the time. Looks very interesting.

    April 29 was just a slot to fill. So because of your sanctified eagerness I will change the date to right now.

    1. Huh. It just worked for me. (The secret letter was "f".)

      Yes, it is like a small book, and I"m working on another on his next book. The first was sort of a prolegomenon so I could get to reviewing the next book. I must remember to say "Review copy was provided by the publisher. A positive review was not required" on my next one! (Checked the first book out of the library.) Controversy in evangelical-land.

  16. I regularly visit but often don't feel up to commenting. Sorry.
