Friday, March 13, 2015

Book Sale


  1. "A Calvinist in Kuwait" looks like a good read. :)

  2. "A Calvinist in Kuwait" does it include Eddie's testimony of his BC days?

  3. Yes it does. Here is an excerpt from the book:
    I was part of a band in Houston that played many split shows with the 13th Floor Elevators. Our band was called the Mods. There were quite a few times when Roky would not show up for a performance and Stacy Sutherland would end up singing lead. I remember one night at La Maison when Roky was so sick he couldn't go on stage. He ended up puking his guts out in the bathroom. One other instance, at the Catacombs, the owner (?) tossed out over a hundred 45 rpm singles of 'You're Gonna Miss Me" to the audience as they waited for the band to start.
    Live - the electric jug was mind-blowing. The recorded jug never sends the same sensation through you...of course, back then, there was smoke in the air that kinda amplified your senses.
    Love Street Light Circus was another favorite place the Elevators played in the 60's.
    Those were some my B.C. days. Lots of haunting memories.

  4. Wow, that excerpt is gripping. I definitely need the full thing.
