Thursday, October 23, 2014

Just for Laughs #331

A caption might help explain what's going on.


  1. So you see, Pastor Shrader, we have it all set up. When the trump sounds and the Lord Himself descends from heaven with a shout, the computer will pick up the voice of the archangel and immediately show the scene on that screen right up there, as well as all over the Internet. This will all happen automatically, as we will be rising to meet Him in the air.

  2. After being shown two more leaks and with no money in the church roof fund, Pastor Putin decided to ditch the cloth and pursue politics instead.

  3. And so Evangelist points the True Way to another Pilgrim....

  4. Look! Isn't that Mary Poppins? NO...wait a second...that's the Queen of England, I tells ya!

  5. When you fired the confetti cannon, pastor, it blew your toupee up there...

  6. Good to hear from you again, Wallace!
