Thursday, May 1, 2014

Just for Laughs #305

Provide a caption...or knot.


  1. I was just gonna string 'em along a little bit, let him think I would put up with all his fancy TULIP talk. But then, at just the right moment, a little tug is all it takes and then he's wishin' he ain't never heard of no TULIPs, and he's all mine.

  2. Deacons Starsky and Sundance gently convince Pastor Burnsides from attending tonights Joel Osteen appearance at the Omni Centre.

  3. Wait, so the rabbit goes through the hole, and then which way around the tree? Dadgumit, forget the rope, let's just nail him to the tree!

  4. Let's offer him grace and teach a lesson in unmerited favor.

  5. Let's tell the Calvinist pastor we would like him to hang around after the service.

  6. Jeremy knew that the pastor was taking his new found Calvinistic beliefs a little too far when he couldn't stop doing five-step knots while telling a congregation member about the doctrine.
