Thursday, January 2, 2014

Share Your Best Post from 2013

 Let's start the New Year off right! If you are a blogger, you need more traffic. You need visitors and readers who would like to become  permanent dwellers in your cyber-city. This is a way of advertising your blog and increasing tourism. Readers, like myself, always love to see the best sites on the web map. If you don't have a blog and would like to share a link of one of your favorites, go ahead and link us!
 So, I would love for you to post the best, or one of your best posts at your location for the year 2013. In the comments section below, share a link to a great example of your work from last year. This is Calvinistic Cartoons way of saying thank you for all your efforts to further the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


  1. Our best (if you judge by traffic) was the following two post:

    What Did Charles Spurgeon Sound Like? A Recording of His Son [2 min. audio]


    Podcast #31 – Sam Waldron & Michael Brown DEBATE “Have NT Charismatic Gifts Ceased?” [MP3]


    Though I am most proud of the work here:

    1. Thanks, Jason, for starting things off with some good audio! ...and Happy New Year, brother!

  2. "Thoughts on Christian Horror: Living in a Nightmare" was perhaps my best blog post of the year:

    1. Interesting perspective, Jonathan. It's good to know about the redemptive element in Christian horror.

  3. With what style and way you have designed your site, and the updates are added to it, are quite informative and pleasing. Mine and my pal both impressed greatly from your overall posts.

    Web Hosting

  4. Thanks for this Eddie!

    Now I know that your favorite on my blog was the Tesla Invention Quiz.

    Some of my favorites were:

    Confessions of a Grieving Control Freak

    Is God Mad at America

    How might we mistake anger for zeal?

    Think I will do this on my blog.

    Happy 2014!

    1. Bob, just wanted to let you know that I have tried several times to click on your blog and it takes me to "Search for Domains similar to -- Welcome to:
      This Web page is parked for FREE, courtesy of" with no option to go directly to your blog. I don't know if anyone else has this trouble but I will try again tomorrow.

    2. Thanks Eddie. Probably an old address stuck in your browser cache. I have had to refresh the cache to make that go away. Thanks again.

    3. KC Bob, I have to say, I'd never visited your blog before (as far as I can remember) and got the exact same message Eddie did. I much-ly fear that your domain may have been nabbed by squatters. Contrary to the theory that it's an "old version" that is showing up, it looks to me like this really is what appears to new readers. You probably need to check into this, because it can be pretty serious if you forgot to renew your domain registration. The squatters would have the upper hand and would try to sell it back to you. Hopefully you had a backup and can just get a new domain and go otherwise. But I'm afraid this looks like a potentially serious issue for you, so a friendly urging to look into it if you want to keep your blog going.

    4. It looks like your posts show up in a cached version via Google cache, but that's all. The fact that GoDaddy is offering the domain name is actually a potential positive, because GoDaddy is the normal seller of domain names and will presumably sell it to you again at the normal price. Whether your content will still be normally accessible there I don't know. I've never dealt with that issue personally, only helped a friend with a Google blog that happened to. Sorry, Eddie, I know this is OT.

  5. Here is one of my favorites, Have You Been With Jesus

  6. This is a post on worship from a group blog: "I am of Chris Tomlin, I am of Isaac Watts, I am of…"

  7. Like Bob I had trouble picking just one. My favorites are
    Servant Leadership,,
    Grace vs Indulgence,
    and The Pendulum Swing,

  8. It's always tough to decide. Those that generate the most traffic were ones that mentioned well-known individuals. Two in particular continue to be read on a regular basis:

    One was directed to a comment made by Dr. William Lane Craig entitled A Response From an Embarrassingly Ignorant Young Earth Creationist.

    The other, most recently, addressed the recent appointment of Dr. Ergun Caner as the new president of Brewton-Parker College entitled The Innocent Dr. Ergun Caner's Big Flaw. In it, I analyze his fitness for college president assuming that he is innocent.

    The one that got the most positive comments made to me personally off-line, even by Arminians, is entitled What Is Free Will According to the Bible. My goal was to point out the ways that even synergists believe human will is limited.

  9. I'd say this one was my best of 2013 at my personal blog. I also write for a group blog, but I wrote way more posts there, so it would have taken longer to choose one. Readers who like this post may nonetheless not like other things I write, because I'm all over the map, but I think this one deserves traffic:
