Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Just for Laughs #280

Caption needed so we know what's goin' on.


  1. So you see, darling, most of John's Revelations were fulfilled in the lifetime of the readers, so you don't need to be afraid of getting out of bed and MAKING ME BREKFIST!

  2. See darling? I told you the New Armenian Standard Bible version truly exists.

    No dear, you just used White Out on Ephesians 1:4. Can I go back to sleep now?

  3. Bill said to Freida: "There's room for a little more."

  4. Matt Demon...I mean DamonDecember 11, 2013 at 5:29 PM

    See Margie? The last book of the Bible IS Concordance!

  5. See here, honey, where John says to try the spirits because many false prophets are in the world (I John 4:1)? Well, I think that could apply to your crazy Aunt Betsy who says the spirits told her that you are going to die of consumption this year. So how about if you get up now and have something to eat, huh?

  6. Rev. Pruefentekst: "It wasn't Mother's ham that made you sick. Revelation proves that God has cast you on a sickbed because you are that woman Jezebel whom He hates."

    Jezebel: "That's good. At least I know you'll be joining me soon."

  7. Delirious over her lack of "manliness" in her preaching. Pastrix Paula Princess is relieved when Egar the Egalitarian presents her with the Gender Bender Bible

  8. And this madam, was the last of the theory-lessons. Now it's time to get up and live it!

  9. Well, I've finished it at last. Next time, could you get me a smaller one, maybe in pink leather?
