Friday, December 13, 2013

A Short Announcement

Since December is a slower month for bloggers and everyone else is on vacation, I have decided to take some time off for myself. For the next few weeks I have scheduled a bunch of "cartoons" from the early days of CC. This will give me time to begin the new posts for the year 2014. Arminian Antics will return the early part of January. I will continue to post any free books Kindle might have to offer, so keep checking in.
Speaking of books, I want to recommend Kevin DeYoung's The Hole in Our Holiness. It shakes up your complacency and gives you a push in the right direction. It's not free, but worth every penny.
Next week my wife and I will be headed for Istanbul. (Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople. Been a long time gone, Constantinople Now it's spiritual sight on a moonlit night) and will be spending Christmas in Kiev, Ukraine. (Yes, that's where all the protesting is presently going on - so pray for us if God puts it on your heart. I'm interested in sharing the Gospel with a few Ukrainians - God willing - and He is) This will be the first New Year's eve where I will be in the air, returning to Kuwait, when the new year ushers in. Don't really think a countdown on an airliner is a good idea.
Express your love for Jesus during the Christmas season, then consider making the rest of your life a Christmas season. We could all use that kind of "seasoning".


  1. Have a blessed trip and may you be a blessing where you go.

  2. Enjoy your time off, Eddie. The CC oldies are still goodies. Also praying for your safety.

  3. Have a good trip Eddie.

    I got your reference there:

  4. Glad you got the reference. It's a catchy tune...and fun to sing. (just don't do it in public - people look at you like your crazy)

  5. Have a Merry Christmas, Eddie!

    1. Thanks, too, brother. I'll try and post a photo or two while on the trip.
