Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Calendar


  1. I don't wanna leave no stinking comment on your stinking blog you stinking Calvinist!

  2. I'll remember to keep that in mind =)

  3. October is a good month. Happy Calvinistic Cartoon Comment Month. Are those waffles on the calendar?

  4. Okay, here's my comment: I'm really into theology and I still don't understand your cartoons a lot of the time. I want to. I come here regularly because I still know they are supposed to be funny. But I sometimes feel like I don't get the joke. For example: What's all the stuff about Tesla? What does that have to do with Calvinism? I'm so confuuuuuused!!!

  5. Lydia, thanks so much for your honesty and openness. If you are confused, so are others...
    Not all my posts are jokes. Some are running gags...some are just curious situations. (Like Corky and my time traveling photos)

    Nikola Tesla was not a Calvinist. He is one we all owe a great deal of gratitude for basically inventing the 21st century.
    "Every device which is moving today on Earth, in the depth of the seas, on the surface of the sea, in the air, and the cosmos, needs for its function, electrical machines invented by Nikola Tesla".

    Alexei Leonov is the Secretary of the Tesla Memorial Society of New York for Russia and the first man to walk in space on March 18, 1965.
