Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mr. Q Answers Any Question

Mr. Q is ready, once again, to take on your questions. No matter how intelligent or idiotic they might be. Remember, there are no stupid questions...just dumb ones. 


  1. How many more times will you post this post?

  2. If a man asks a question in the forest and no one was there to hear it, did he still ask a question?

    If so, what was the question?

  3. If the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie is that considered a pre-existing condition?

    1. The moon's average distance from Earth is about 239,000 miles. So it would mean death to the individual and to the rest of the planet as well.

  4. Why did that guy in the Bible parable bury his money in a field?

  5. Andrew CornpopperMay 14, 2013 at 7:41 AM

    If a two year old hands you a toy phone, should you answer it?

  6. Just what is a dumb question?

  7. Has/will Corky cross paths with Dr Who?

    1. Possible and Probable. Like two peas in a time pod.

  8. It's good to find out how you keep busy between Bond films Q.

    It always has been a mystery, talking of which are you by any chance related to Mr. E?

    Mr. T. says "Hello", well actually he said "What you lookin' at fool" but I thought I would phrase it more tactfully.

    And why doesn't super glue stick to the inside of the tube?

    1. Super Glue contains a chemical called cyanoacrylate which reacts with WATER in the air to harden. When manufactured, there is no water in the tube and so the super glue doesn't harden. As soon as the glue is exposed to the air, however, it reacts with any moisture and hardens, in the same way that epoxy resins react with their hardeners to harden.
      If you want super glue to harden quicker you should breathe on it, as the moisture in your breath promotes the hardening process. And it's also why super glue sticks to your hands so well, as there's a plentiful supply of water on your skin.

  9. Hi Q,

    Is it true that Corky's sister is a little bombshell?

  10. I know that lying is wrong, but is it okay to stretch the truth?

    1. Too many people confine their exercise to jumping to conclusions, running up bills, stretching the truth, bending over backward, lying down on the job, sidestepping responsibility and pushing their luck. Better to pick the road less traveled on this one.

  11. I've always wondered how long is a piece of string?

    1. Measure half then double it.

    2. I prefer to measure twice and half it.

      But that's probably because when I was a "surveyor" we measured in ft and in's then the other way in cm's and converted to see if the results were within tolerance.

  12. Replies
    1. No, it is safe! (Sorry, I'm not Q am I. Sorry, why did I do this?)

  13. If covenant theology = replacement theology, what does dispensational theology equal?

    1. Since there is some controversy about the number of dispensations in the Bible among dispensationalists, the exact equation is still "up in the air".
