Friday, March 8, 2013

No Contest Entry

Our apologies to Ranker Lockloeman for entering this 1959 Cushman ad in the Corky Ad Contest. Mr. Lockloeman, although we enjoy seeing old ads with Mr. Eddings in them. There was no Corky Velveeta anywhere to be seen. Entries must have Corky somewhere in the ad itself. Please keep looking. We are sorry this can't be entered into the seven million dollar contest. We, the advertising staff at Calvinistic Cartoons, agreed to post it and give you credit for the find. Thanks, Ranker. Hope to hear from you soon.  


  1. I'm not sure I'd want to ride a scooter that was so slow it wouldn't blow your hat off.

    But at least Eddie's doing the right thing wearing a helmet.

    1. I actually had a Cushman, similar to the one the hatted man is riding, in Jr. High. My step-dad painted it yellow so he could see if I played hooky or not when he went to work. I was so embarrassed by it I stuck a giant decal of an octopus on both sides. That way, the other students talked about the decal more than the yellow color.

    2. Eddie the bikey. I'd like to see that :-)

      There's gotta be bikes in heaven else it won't be heaven.

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