Monday, March 18, 2013

Just for Laughs #253

There is something Theological going on here.
If you know what it is, then please leave a comment.


  1. Isn't that Clark Gable with the cigarette, and Barry Goldwater with the glasses?

    1. Phil, actually, they are both stunt doubles for Clark and Mr. Goldwater. Todd Lipton (the Gable look-a-like) went on to become the inventor of Hamburger Helper. Felix Harbinger (the B.G. double) later became an elevator operator at Macy's.

  2. The presbytery weighed carefully whether or not to compromise with the Arminians and the Federal Visionists.

  3. "Young man", said the deacon at the head of the table, "if you want to preach at this church, you will have to forget about the law and just preach grace. That's our policy...our deacon board law for new prospects. Stay on our good side and you will not want for nothing."

  4. This was pastor Chuck "Spur" Jones' last day with Freedom Baptist church. He had only been there 6 months when he told the deacon board that he thought the church should be elder-led.

  5. Thanks for joining me in this meeting room. If we sing quietly, maybe we can get in a few hymns before we are discovered and shut down...

  6. In the end, the new pastor's well reasoned request to replace the King James Version pew Bibles with the E.S.V. was shot down by the old argument, "If the King James was good enough for the apostle Paul, it is good enough for us."

  7. "they were amazed at His teaching, for He was teaching them as one having authority..."

  8. The deacons sat in stunned silence when they realized it wasn't the new pastor's priority to have them out the door by noon on Sunday
