Monday, March 4, 2013

Just for Laughs #250

What's going on here? Supply a caption and let us know.


  1. 'Kids! Quiet! Your father's listening to Benny Finney's explanation of 'free will' again and you know how much this makes your father laugh.'

  2. I'm glad this is a Monday joke. We're not allowed to laugh on Sundays!

  3. J. L. Lewis and M. GilleyMarch 4, 2013 at 2:53 PM

    Shhhhsss...Daddy is making a prank call to Jimmy Swaggart.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Do you think you might want to reconsider leaving this comment up, Mike? It's your call, of course, I just thought I'd mention it.

  5. "Families all over America are now enjoying Eddie Edding's Humor Hotline! The Hotline is free if you call collect, so pick up the phone and dial 011-965-MYTULIPS!"

  6. "So Bud, you sound like you are really serious about this Calvinism stuff? I bet you drop out just as soon as the next passing fad comes along, just like you did with that 'work-from-home' program."

  7. Dad test his new prototype of the Interactive Reformed Family Devotional Hour...

    First Armenian Church can I help you?
    Is Grace there?
    I'm sorry sir, but there is no Grace here. You must have the wrong number.
