Thursday, March 7, 2013

Helen's Calvinist Husband

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  1. Here's a non-spam comment for you!
    I loved the strip, and I must say I'd invest in a bottle of those things myself. Not that I lose much sleep over it, but I do confess the urge to respond to every Arminian/Seeker Sensitive/Fad Theology piece of drivel I read online, or hear in conversation. I keep telling myself it's not an ego thing about being right, but it's just painful to hear all that tripe continue to be propagated. OK, maybe I just want to be right all the time...but still...

  2. I wish I had Calvinist Chill Pills when I was cage-stage. It probably wouldn't hurt to have a bottle on hand just in case...

  3. Hey! Isn't that Corky on the newspaper in the 4th panel?
    Never mind replying since I already know the answer.

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