Saturday, March 16, 2013

Gift for a Calvinist

Let me just say, up front, this is no joke. My wife's wedding anniversary, and mine, happen to fall on the same day - March 14th. We both purchased new phones. She bought me the Sony Xperia Sola. She didn't realize the significance at the time. It was predestined I tells ya. You know it was, I know it was. Only Roger Olson and his band of Arminianites think otherwise.
Anyway you look at it, this was a hug from God. And it is a good analogy for my becoming a Calvinist, i.e., confused at first, a little hard to process all the information, learning a little at a time, eventually, everything falls into place as one (sola) cohesive unit, I will continue to marvel at the technology (or as a Calvinist - the theology).


  1. Wow, "my wife's wedding anniversary, and mine, happen to fall on the same day" too. What a coincidence, I wonder what the chances of that are.

  2. Theology, smart phones, and marriage:
