Saturday, January 5, 2013

As Time Goes Back

One of the places I visited in my time travels last year. 


  1. "Play it again Ed!"

  2. No joke here guys. My wife and I were in an up-scale restaurant several years ago and the piano player was playing all the old standards and playing them very well. All at once he slipped a hymn in between a couple of 30s and 40s tunes. He took a break and walked around the room talking to the customers and I asked him about it telling him my wife & I were Christian and enjoyed the hymns. He said that He was Christian as well and began using hymns as a testimony during his sets and that unexpectedly, people really responded to it and usually would request even more hymns. He was pleasantly surprised by the whole thing. We went to that restaurant monthly after that and he would always smile and pull out a hymn for us. That was a uniquely special time.

    Thanks for the memory, Ed... Play a hymn for me last Thursday, ok?

    1. Nice story. It's amazing how just a little can mean so lot. Reminds me of the song...

      Little is much when God is in it!
      Labor not for wealth or fame.
      There's a crown and you can win it,
      If you go in Jesus' Name.
