Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Just for Laughs #237

On the battlefield, captions are of major importance. Bring 'em on.


  1. Would a "real" soldier do that?

    The one on the left appears to have his finger on the trigger while pointing his "tommy gun" at one of his own troops, a bad habit to get into. Has anyone heard of "collateral damage"?

    At least it isn't cocked.

  2. The AMORITES?! We're not at war with the Amorites!

  3. What do you mean we can't kill you and your fellow Calvinists? Calvin killed Servetus, didn't he?

  4. "God wants to save those Japs. I can't kill 'em! What do yah mean, 'God hates the reprobate'????!!!

  5. “Those who put us down are a bunch of morons. ... You know, I’ve looked for one verse in the Bible, I just can’t seem to find it. One verse that says, ‘If you don’t like ’em, kill ’em.’ I really wish I could find it. ... Sometimes I wish God would give me a Holy Ghost machine gun — I blow your head off!”

  6. "Hey Mac, who do ya think you are, C.G. Spurgeon on your PrayStation? Ya can't shoot Ernie here just cuz he's Arminian!"

  7. Driscoll tells MacDonald and Young Jr "if they don't tithe - they die !!! "
