Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Just for Laughs #228

Someone needs a caption more than ever!


  1. Members of the Deadwood Free Will Baptist Church subject young Thaddeus to church discipline after finding an A.W. Pink book hidden under his mattress. Leading the interrogation is Thaddeus's mom.

  2. After looking at the picture more carefully, I think I should change his mom to his wife.

    Leading the interrogation is Thaddeus's wife.

  3. I don't always get mad when someone praises Charles Finney, but when I do, the whole town backs me up.

  4. Old West False Teachin' Preacher Lady Joyce "Ma" Meyer took offense to Cowpoke Eddings who happened to mosey into one of her tent prophesy meetings. She could tell by the puzzled look on his face that he didn't cotton to her vision casting...especially since it would cost him pert nearly 2 bits in seed money. She and her henchmen let him know it was time to ride off into the sunset.

  5. "Now, boy, you ain't never to call me "woman" again. I's your ma and yous to show me some respect."
    "But Ma, Jesus called his Ma 'woman' at the weddin' in Cana"
    "I don't care what Jesus did, boy. These men here'll give you a purty good whipping if'n you ever do it again!"
