Sunday, April 22, 2012

New Comment Feature

Blogger now supports threaded commenting, which means that it is now much easier to differentiate between whether someone is making a general comment on the thread, or responding to another comment on the thread. That starts today on this blog.

My only problem, at the present, is the pre-scheduling. I can't get this to function like it used to. I set the date, click done and when the time rolls around - the post doesn't appear on my blog like it is supposed to. Any tips would be helpful.


  1. You mean when I post a comment like this...

    1. I can reply, like THIS!

      ...your voice sure sounds familiar...

    2. ...then, later, I can reply to the person who repied to me! I get it! Wow! Will wonders never cease!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Yes, wonders will never cease.

  2. ...and when I want to post a general comment - I can do this?

  3. Hi. I would like to make a general comment on a Rolex.

    1. Not on MY watch, mister!

  4. I'm having the same problem with the scheduled posts.

    1. Thanks, Andy! Good to know it's Blogger who needs to fix things. Hope they get 'er done soon!

    2. Andy, would you please let me know if and when your problem is resolved?

  5. Careful with pre-scheduling; you're flirting with a visit from the
    Department of Temporal Investigations

  6. Eddie, after you set the day and time and press done, you have to click the orange 'publish' button. I was a little scared to do this at first, but it works. It doesn't actually publish it then-and-there. It publishes it at the day and time you've set. Blessings!

    1. Well, I thought it was Blogger, but now I'm not so sure. I do hit the orange publish button and it hasn't worked yet. I have checked the settings to see if my time location was wrong. It isn't. So I guess I'll just have to break down and write Blogger about the problem. Thanks for your help.

    2. You're welcome. Are you using the old or new interface? I've noticed that you also have to change the "Post date and time" option to "Scheduled at" in the old interface. In the new interface you can't schedule unless you select the "Schedule at" first. Just a thought. Hope you'll get it straightened out.

  7. Hi, thanks for this site. Am glad i'll be able to comment. Love the cartoons. They take my mind off the horror called BOKO HARAM here in Nigeria.

  8. Maybe it only works in Google's time zone.
