Friday, April 27, 2012

The Masked Arminian Pastor #16


  1. Having difficulty with blog. Can't get my computer to connect. Tried to post from my iPod. Didn't post the artwork because it is in my computer file. Hope to get this working soon!

    1. My computer is back on line. Everything seems to be working okay. Sorry for the delay.

    2. I just wanted to be the first in recent history to reply to myself 3 times.

    3. ...actually, THIS one makes 3 replies.

  2. I personally act like I don't get the point or will even retreat back into the "well I don't know about all that theology stuff" and just tell them that God has a wonderful plan for them that He will unleash if they will just think happy thoughts about themselves and their neighbors.

  3. I just tell them that Christ died for "all" and all means all. Just like whoever means all.

    Jn 3:16

  4. Having been in this Man's army for some time now I must say the free grub angle is a brilliant tactical maneuver as it diminishes your opponent's resources.

    1. That's the truth. was an honor to serve under your command when I was in the Army.

  5. If it were only so easy. Most Arminians who have an issue with me usually just take whatever unrelated issue we're talking about and start a diatribe against Calvinism.

    But if I want to see at any given point who the die-hard Arminians are within earshot, I just say two words: "James White". It takes about 2 seconds for the Arminian mine field to go off.
