Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just for Laughs #212

Call in with your captions today!


  1. I admit it really looks swell, but an iPhone would be a lot easier to carry around.

    Just a minute, I have to call Hank Hankerchief, the Bible Answer-My-Way-Or-No-Way Man...

  2. Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine!
    I can feel the current moving on the line.
    Built by God the Father for His very own,
    You can talk to Jesus on this Royal Telephone.

    I used to listen to this song sung by Marcie and Friends!

  3. Hold on a minute, Irresistible Grace, I'm gonna call Larry and Moe right now to invite them over to talk 'bout this tulip stuff. It sure has a way to humble your pride and make you feel small.

  4. I'm telling you, Edna, one day Ma Bell's monopoly on phone service will be a thing of the past. Now, help me call Benny Hinn with my donation pledge or I'll never get that new Ford V-8.

  5. Can you hear me now?

  6. Okay dear, this ought to make our calling sure.

  7. So I sez to the operator, "How can this be a wrong number? This is an effectual call."

  8. Call Him up. Tell Him what you want.

  9. In an attempt to distract from the smallness of their doctrine, Seeker Sensitive pastor and pastrix Nacho B. and Nonnoya B. Swacks, super size everything in their church. This also serves the double purpose of entertaining the crowd, affectionately called "goatherds" by the people whose doctrinal understanding is phone sized.
