Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Just for Laughs #211

It's polite to add a caption


  1. And so we see that, just as the Old Covenant ceremonies and sacrifices pointed ahead to the greater work of Christ, so also the buns in a black & white western prefigure the greater buns realized in the person & work of Princess Leia.

  2. Sally had just told her husband George and Pastor Arminy what she really thought of Rick Warren.

  3. It was out now and there was no turning back, she was going to be a baptist pastor and thats all there was to it.

  4. Susanna tells her sons, John and Charles, that yes, today, she did indeed spend just a few more minutes in recreation than in private religious devotion.

    John and Charles vowed that day to come up with new methods to insure this never happened to anyone ever again.

  5. "Yes, boys, it was you, playing with those matches, that burned the house down; no, not just once, but two times!"

    Yes, Susanna was just a might peeved at Charles and John, who couldn't believe their mother knew.

  6. In a confusing conflation of movie themes, Han and Luke, found themselves sucked through a time-space continuum vortex and vying for the affections of a western prairie spinster named Leia.

  7. Susanna, take off those headphones! I know you're listening to Sproul again! Susanna! Susanna!!!

  8. Two suitors proposed to Emily Dickinson on the same evening. The Baptist man's watch fob wasn't enough to hide the back woods. The Episcopal man's mink collar was just too much civilization. Aren't there any sensible but tasteful Presbyterians to be found on the prairie?

  9. Susannah, I chose this fella to marry ya young lady. He come all the way from Alabama, with a banjo on his knee, to wed ya. Now the least ya can do is speak with him a spell, and don't be throwing your free will about.

  10. What's you do to your hair....You spent how much for that....I mean it looks great....will you always keep it that way....I, I mean it looks long as your happy....

    There's no way for a man to win this.

  11. In the Amish production of Star Wars, Han and Leia are about to be wed by the Emperor when Francis Asbury shows up on a horse to end this nonsense. Good Amish don't waste time with plays.

  12. Meghan, that was hilarious! The very idea of an Amish production of Star Wars is genius.

    Thanks, everyone, for the laughs and great captions! When I travel to the States in a few months, I plan on leaving a lot of Just for Laughs to keep your minds churning.
