Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Finney & Wesley Spotted on 66

Benny Finney and Elvis Wesley were photographed on route 66 by Calvinistic Cartoons follower, T-Bone Willis, Sunday afternoon. T-Bone stopped and talked to Benny while they filled their tanks with unleaded gas. Mr. Finney is drumming up some cash for a new project that promises to "ban non-free will people from all future elections". When asked about Calvinistic Cartoons, Benny spit on the ground and yelled, "Get away from my chapel ya rotten apple!" Then he sprayed T-Bone with a seltzer bottle full of Mountain Dew and left  without Elvis Wesley. Thirty seconds later Benny Finney rounded the gas station and Elvis jumped in and they both sped away shaking their fists. 


  1. Love you Dave! Miss you two!
    How do you do this ???? LOL

  2. Such silly fun! - Love the steps/rails on the back of the chapel.
